
New Translations


La langue ne devrait jamais être un obstacle à la créativité.

Language should never be an obstacle for creativity.

La lingua non dovrebbe mai essere un ostacolo alla creatività.

Sprache sollte niemals ein Hindernis für Kreativität sein.

Taal mag nooit een obstakel voor creativiteit zijn.

El lenguaje nunca debe ser un obstáculo para la creatividad.

A linguagem nunca deve ser uma barreira para a criatividade.


Translated into Dutch by





Translated into English by

Thank You



Translated into Italian by




Translated into German by




Translated into Spanish by




Translated into Portuguese by by







If you are using my Filter Unlimited 2.3, it consists of 3 folders

Have a look at the folders before adding a preset

These are the filters used in this lesson

Filtres AP   Here

FM Tile Tools Here

Mura’s Meister   Here

Alien Skin EyeCandy 5 – Textures  Here

Lotis Filters  Here

Alien Skin EyeCandy 5 – Impact  Here


On my website you can find my filters


My Tubes



If it is your intention to share these tubes or lessons in a group, please ask the owner for permission.

 The tube may not be sent without the lesson. *


Material here


This tutorial was created with PSP 2022 Ultimate


but can be done with other versions of Psp The colors can be very different depending on the Psp used. . .


Follow the tutorial using the arrow


Let us begin with the lesson


- Material Properties:Set the color of your foreground to color 1 -Set the color of your background to color 2

- Replace your foreground colour with a  sunburst foreground/background gradient configured as follows

1. File-Open a new transparent image in this size : 1050 x 750  Pixels

2. Activate Flood Fill Tool – Fill the layer with the gradient

3. Effects –Texture Effects – Weave use the settings below - Color 3

4. Effects – Edge Effects – Enhance

5. Effects -Plugins - Filters in Unlimited 2.0 - Crescent Moon -SpookyFade...with these settings: 164/79/224/3

- Properties of the foreground > close the gradient > now we have the colour back again

6. Layers- New Raster Layer

7. Activate Flood Fill Tool - Fill the layer with the Foreground color  1

8. Layers-New mask layer-From image and choose mask :

- Layers- Merge- Merge Group

9. Effects - Edge Effects – Enhance

10. Effects -Plugins – AP [Dots] Dots- DotFlow use the settings below

11. Effects – 3D-Effects- Drop Shadow with these settings- Color 4-shadow on new layer checked !!!!

- On the shadow layer 

12. Effects - Plugins - AP[Lines] Lines – Silverlining use the settings below

13. Layers-Properties-Set the Blend Mode to " Screen"

14. Effects – Distortion Effects – Wind-Wind strength 60° -Wind direction -From right

- Activate the layer above

15. Effects – Reflection Effects-Rotating Mirror use the settings below

16. Effects – Reflection Effects-Rotating Mirror use the settings below

 Activate the top of the layer palette 

17. Open the tube ‘’ Renee-TUBES-Halloween2024- Personnage 1’’ -Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer

18. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard - Enter the following parameters in the toolbar

   329/ 9

19. Layers-Properties-Reduce the opacity of this layer to 53%

20. Effects – Plugins – FM Tile Tools – Saturation Emboss

- Material Properties: Set the color of your foreground to color 1 -Set the color of your background to color 5

- Replace your foreground colour with a linear foreground/background gradient configured as follows

- Activate Raster 1 in the Layers palette

21. Layers- New Raster Layer

22. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and select my selection: – ‘’Halloween-2024-1’’

23. Activate Flood Fill Tool Opacity 55% – Fill the selection with the gradient

Flood Fill Tool-Opacity 100 %

24. Effects - Plugins - Filters in Unlimited 2.0 - ICNET-Filters -Special Effects 1- Square Bumps  with these settings:  48/63

25. Effects – 3D-Effects- Drop Shadow with these settings-Color Black

Shadow on new layer not checked

 Repeat the same effect for a second time.

26. Layers – Duplicate – Image - Mirror - Mirror vertical ( Image - Flip in older versions of PSP)

27. Layers- Merge-Merge Down

28. Effects - Plugins - Filters in Unlimited 2.0 - It@lian Editors Effect - Effetto Fantasma using the default settings ( 41/41)

29. Effects – 3D-Effects- Drop Shadow with these settings: 0/25/80/0 Color White

- Return to the top of the layers palette

30. Open the tube  ‘’Halloween-2024- Image 1’’ -Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer  

31. Effects –Plugins – Mura’s Meister – Perspective Tiling use the settings below

32. Effects -Plugins - Alien Skin EyeCandy 5 – Textures – Stone Wall –Tab-Settings/User Settings and select my file-Preset : ‘’  Halloween-2024-stone wall’’

33. Effects – Edge Effects – Enhance More

34. Layers-Properties-Set the Blend Mode to " Difference"

35. Layers – Duplicate – Layers-Properties-Set the Blend Mode to " Hard Light "

36. Layers- Merge-Merge Down

- Remain on this layer

37. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and select my selection: – ‘’Halloween-2024-2’’

38. Layers– Duplicate

39. Effects-3D-Effects-Cutout use the settings below / Color Black and Color  #837669

40. Selections –Invert

41. Adjust- Blur-Gaussian Blur-Radius 55%

- Blend Mode remains on "Difference"

- Return to the top of the layers palette

42. Open the tube -Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer

43. Objects – Align – Top

44. Effects – Plugins – Lotis Filters – Mosaic Toolkit Plus use the settings below

45. Layers-Properties-Set the Blend Mode to " Lighten"

46. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and select my selection: – ‘’Halloween-2024-3’’

47. Effects - Plugins - Filters in Unlimited 2.0  - Color Effects - Colorize (HSB)  using the default settings

48. Effects – Plugins– FM Tile Tools – Saturation Emboss using the default settings

49. Open the tube -’’Halloween-2024- Image 3 ‘’ -Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer

- Place at bottom left ( see finished image)

50. Open the tube ’’Halloween Renee-TUBES-Halloween2024- Personnage 3’’ -Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer

- Place it on the top of the previous tube ( see finished image)

51. Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin EyeCandy 5 – Impact- Perspective –Shadow use the settings below

52. Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 1 Pixel -Color 2

Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 40 Pixels -Color #ffffff

Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 1 Pixel -Color 2

Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 1 Pixel -Color  3

Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 15 Pixels -Color #ffffff

53. Open 1 tube of your choice and paste as a new layer on your work.

- Drop shadow of your choice

54. Add the author's watermark to your work and your own watermark

55. Layers-Merge-Merge All

56. Image – Resize to 1005 pixels width- Resize all layers checked

57. With the attached font you can write your own title- Or take my text

- Layers-Merge-Merge All (flatten) Save as JPG





Thanks for your time and enjoyment of this lesson. 


This lesson has been written by Renée 17/07/2024

Edited and Update

in  2024


Any resemblance to an existing lesson is purely coincidental.

* Don't forget to thank the people who work with us and for us - the testers and translators





2014 reçu de TWInc

I am a member of the Tutorial Writers Inc.

My tutorials are recorded regularly


 ReneeGraphisme_All rights reserved

Tutorials under Copyright





Click here to view your gorgeous drawing.

Don't forget to thank the people who work with us and for us - the testers and translators

Thank you .