Let's start the lesson.
La Magie d’un
instant/The Magic of a Moment
- Preparation
- Material Properties: Set your foreground color to color #ffffff=5 – Set your background color to color #5691b9= 2
![](./La-magie-d-un-instant.E.html_files/palette couleur.png)
1. Open the BG-Image ‘’
Fond-Magie-Instant’’- -Promote Background Layer = Raster 1
2. Adjust- Blur- Radial Blur use the settings below
3. Effects –Plugins-
Unlimited 2.0 – Tramages Holidays in Egypt.. 3
4. Layers- Duplicate
5. Adjust- Blur- Gaussian Blur: Radius 40
6. Effects –Plugins-
Unlimited 2.0 – VM instant Art- Three Cuts use the settings below
7. Layers-Properties-Change the Blend Mode to " Overlay " and Lower the Opacity to 46
Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and select my selection:
9. Selections- Promote selection to layer
10. Effects –Plugins-
Unlimited 2.0 – VM instant Art – Fog…use the settings below
Selections- Deselect All
11. Effects – 3D Effects –Drop Shadow with these settings: -11/-11/100/24 Color Black
12. Effects – Distortion Effects -Wave use the settings below
13. Effects- Image Effects- Seamless Tiling use the settings below
14. Effects- Image Effects- Seamless Tiling -Side by Side
15. Layers-Properties-Change the Blend Mode to " Luminance H "
16. Open the tube ‘’ Magie-Instant-
Image- ciel’’ - Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as a new layer
17. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters
91/- 115
Press ( M ) to close the Pick Tool
18. Open the tube ‘’ titre-magie’’ - Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as a new layer
19. Objects – Align
– Top
20. Layers- New Raster Layer
21. Activate Flood Fill Tool
–Fill the Layer with the FG-Color #ffffff= 5
22. Effects – Plugins – Alien skin Eyecandy Texture – Brick Wall-Tab- Settings- User/Settings and select my file
Preset :’’ Magic-moment- Brick wall’
Or manual settings as shown in the example below
23. Effects – Plugins – Mura’s Meister – Perpsective Tiling use the settings below
24. Layers-Properties-Change the Blend Mode to " Hard Light "
25. Layers- New Raster Layer
Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and select my selection:
27. Activate Flood Fill Tool
–Fill the selection with the FG-Color =5
Selections- Deselect All
28. Effects –Plugins-
Unlimited 2.0 - Tramages - Downstairs..with these settings: 94 /127 /0
29. Layers- New Raster Layer
- Material Properties: Set your foreground color to color #29494f=3 – Set your background color to color #e1e3e2= 4
30. Effects – Plugins – Medhi – Wavy lab 1 .1 use the settings below
Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and select my selection:
32. Adjust- Blur- Gaussian Blur : Radius 45
Selections- Deselect All
33. Effects – Distortion Effects - Warp use the settings below
34. Activate Selection Tool -Custom Selection (S) -Rectangle with these settings
![](./La-magie-d-un-instant.E.html_files/selection perso.JPG)
Selections- Deselect All
35. Layers- Arrange- Move Down ( above Copy of Raster 1) as shown in the example below
36. Layers-Properties-Change the Blend Mode to " Darken "
Your work and Layer Palette look like this now-You should have this result
- Activate the Top layer in the Layer Palette
37. Open the tube ‘’Magie-Instant-
Image 1 ‘’ -Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as a new layer
38. Objects -Align
39. Effects –Plugins
Unlimited 2.0 - Layout Tools - Contrast Checkers with these settings: 78/39/0
40. Effects-Edge Effects- Enhance More
41. Open the tube ‘’Magie-Instant-
Image 2 ‘’ -Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as a new layer
- Do not move it is in the right place
- Leave the Blend Mode to Screen
42. Layers- New raster Layer
Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and select my selection:
44. Activate Flood Fill Tool
Opacity 50% – Fill the selection with the BG-Color #e1e3e2= 4
Selections- Deselect All
45. Effects –Plugins-
Unlimited 2.0 - Liquid Silk Filtersut - Sine Blobs I..use the settings below.
46. Layers- New raster Layer
47. Color Palette- set the FG-Color to color #ffffff=5
Activate Flood Fill Tool
Opacity 100 %–Fill the Layer with #ffffff=5
48. Layers- New Mask Layer - From Image and select Mask
- Layers- Duplicate and repeat once ( see Screen)
- Layers- Merge- Merge Group
49. Effects- Image Effects- Seamless Tiling use the settings below
50. Layers- Arrange- Move Down ( above Raster 6) as shown in the example below
Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and select my selection:
Selections- Deselect All
- Activate the top layer in the Layer Palette
52. Open the tube
‘’ Magie-Instant- Image3’’
- Activate the layer ‘‘texte cercle’’ of the tube
53. Image -
Resize to 88 %
54. Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as a new layer
55. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters
56. Open the tube
‘’texte ‘’ Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as a new layer/Write your sentence or insert my sentence
Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard -Enter these parameters
57. Open the tube
‘’ La-magie-d-un-instant ‘(Do not close we need it later for the rest of the work) ’
Activate the layer raster 1 (of the tube) Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as a new layer
-Move Tool- Move to the left side (see finished image)
58. Layers- Duplicate
59. Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal (Image - Mirror in older versions of PSP)
- On the same tube ‘’ La-magie-d-un-instant ‘ ( Point 57) activate the other tuben
60. Paste as a new Layer and place the decorative elements individually according to your taste- (some are hidden layers to lighten the weight of the tube simply open)
61. Image - Add borders-Symmetric checked 1 Pixel Color #29494f = 3
62. Image - Add borders-Symmetric checked 10 Pixels Color #e1e3e2= 4
63. Edit-Copy !!
64. Open the tube "Cadre /Frame " in your PSP
65. With your Magic Wand,(add shift) select the inside of that frame.
66. Edit - Paste into selection (is still in memory)
Selections- Deselect All
67. Layers- Merge- Merge All. Save as JPG
I hope you enjoyed this lesson
This lesson was written by Renée 2020
Edited and Update
in 2020
Any resemblance with an existing lesson is a coincidence
Do not forget to thank the people who work with us and for us I have appointed the tubeurs and translators