; } page_type_tuto




Translated by Sally




Unlimited 2.0 <&BkgDesigner sfI0>

Eye Candy   5 /Impact

AAA Frame Foto Frame

Flaming pear



Click here

My Website here



Tubes are of


JHanna -Yoka- Devil et Joelle

These tubes were received from tubeurs sharing groups

Or found by me searching on the net

I am grateful to have been given permission these beautiful tubes so

please use any copyright information as needed

If one of these tubes is yours,

Contact me

so I can make a link to your site

or remove it

Thank you Renee




link for download

Click here




Before you start


Open PSP

Open / tubes duplicate and close originals

Open then Minimize the mask in PSP

Put filters in their proper folders

Brushes and other tools in their respective folders

To import presets / Double-click the file it will automatically install



Let's begin

1. Open ''fond_protection'' - Window/ Duplicate and close the original - Layers - promote to raster layer

2. Layers - Duplicate

3. Effects - Filters Unlimited 2.0 <& BkgDesigner sfI01> / AFS Tangent Waves

4. Repeat with the same settings

5. Selection tool - custom selection

6. Delete


7. Effects - Eye Candy 5 - Bevel / Preset "Protection_ bevel"

8. Effects - texture effects - blinds with the color #ad1e1f

9. Effects - AAA frame - photo frame

10. Selections - select none

11. Open tube "protection_1" - paste as a new layer

12. Effects - Simple - top left mirror

13. Selection tool - custom selection

14. Selections - promote selection to layer

So now your layer palette looks like this

15. Back on Raster 2 / Delete

16. Selections - select none

17. Click to activate the top Layer (Selection transformed)

18. Effects - Distortion effects / Polar Coordinates

19. Selection tool - rectangle (S) select like this

20. Delete

21. Selections - Deselect

22. Back on Raster 2 / Effects - Eyecandy 5/ Nature - Rust / Preset ''protection_rust''

23. Paste the tube ''protection _2'' as a new layer, do not move it is in the right place

24. Effects - geometric effects - circle - transparent box selected

25. Image - Resize to 80% - all layers unchecked

26. Change the layer mode to Overlay

27. Click to activate Copy of Raster 1

28. Open the tube ''JHanna_685" - copy and paste as a new layer

29. Layers - duplicate

30. Effects - Simple - Pizza slice Mirror

31. Effects - EyeCandy 5 - Perspective shadow - preset ''Protection_persp'' / Repeat

32. Open the tube "jhanna_521N Ceccoli" - image - resize 80% - all layers unchecked - paste as a new layer

33. Effects - image effect/ Offset

34. Layers - Merge Visible

35. Selections - load a selection from disk ''protection_1''

36. Selections - promote selection to layer

37. Effects - 3-D effects - Inner Bevel/ color #730000

38. Effects - EyeCandy 5 Impact - Glass / Preset ''protection_glass''

39. Selections - Deselect

40. Click to activate the bottom layer

41. With the selection tool (S) rectangle / draw a rectangle like this

 42. Selections - transform selection to layer

43. Adjust - Blur Gaussian Blur at 10

44. Effects - IcnetFilters Unlimited / Paper Textures / Kasy1 (can be imported from your download folder)

45. Layers - new raster - open tube "yoka_forest3" paste into selection

46. Effects - Edge effects - enhance

47. Layers - add a new layer

48. Open tube "prisonner densenmanya_devils tube" - paste into the selection

49. Selections - select none

50. Close the eye of the bottom layer (merged) / Merge Visible (rename to something other than merged)

51. Open the tube "chaine" - paste as a new layer

52. Layers - merge down

53. Effects - EyeCandy 5 Impact - Perspective Shadow - preset "protection_persp2"

54. Open the tube "Joelle_eII27 png" - paste as a new layer - move into place
- open tube "screw" - paste as a new layer - see finished image

55. Layers - merge down (To Merge these two layers)

56. Effects - Illumination effects - Projector look in settings to locate "preset_lights_protection_projecteur" - click ok

57. Copy and Paste in place the tube "Joelle_EII19.png''

58. Open the tube "protection_grille" - paste as a new layer - No need to move

59. Change the layer to Overlay Mode

60. Click to activate the top of the Layers palette

61. Layers - Add a new layer

62. Selections - load selection from disk "protection_2" - fill with color #610000

63. Effects - EyeCandy5/ Texture - Wall Stones - Preset ''protection_texture_stone''

64. Effects - Eye Candy 5 Impact Extrude - Preset ''protection_extrude_stone''

65. Selections - deselect

66. Layers - move down twice so it is under Raster 3 ("Joelle_EII29.png'')

you're here:


67. Effects - 3-D effect/ Drop Shadow 5/5/30/15 black / redo -5/-5

68. Image - add borders 1 pixel black

69. Edit - copy

70. Image - add borders 40 pixels in white / select this border with your magic wand

71. Edit - paste into selection

72. Adjust blur / gaussian blur at 18

73. Selections - Invert selection

74. Effects - 3-D effects - Drop Shadow 5/5/30/15 black / redo -5/-5

75. Selections - Invert selection

76. Effects - Flaming pear / Flood

 77. Selections - Select none

78. Image - add borders 3 pixels black

79. Using the font "2 nelson sho card fat dna" write something of your choice or - Open the tube "texte" and paste as a new layer

80. * I redid a flood effect on text / same parameters except play with the horizon to suit your title *

81. Layers - Merge all


All Finished

Thanks Sally



I am part of tutorial writers inc.

My tutorials are regularly recorded


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