New Translations

In [Dutch ] by Marion


In [Englisch ] by Marion


In [Italian] by Graziella


In [Germain ] by Marion




Translations here





in the folder

Andrew's collection Andrews 56 ou 55 / Bits Pieces

KPT -Pyramide Paint


*Factory Gallery U- Serrate

Simple -Pizza Slice Mirror

 Eye Candy 5-Impact

Toadies – What are you

Mura's Meister -Copies

Distort -Shear

 Sapphire Filters 09/ Sapphire Plugin_0873

Image amélioration




To my website



 are Chouchoucats

These tubes were received from tubeurs sharing groups

Or found by me searching on the net

I am grateful to have been given permission these beautiful tubes so please use any copyright information as needed

If one of these tubes is yours, Contact me so I can make a link to your site or remove it

Thank you Renee


Before you start


Open PSP

Open / tubes duplicate and close originals

Open then Minimize the mask in PSP

Put filters in their proper folders

Brushes and other tools in their respective folders

To import presets / Double click on the Alien skin presets, they will go in the right place

Let's begin

1. Open a transparent image of 985 x 615 pixels

2. Material Properties: Forgroundcolor to #a31c20 and the backgroundcolor to #1d0b09

3.  Prepare a radial gradient configured like this

4. Flood Fill Tool: Fill the layer with the gradient

5. Selections-Select All:Open the tube ''chouchoucats82-tubes-fantastique042_sep'' Edit/copy-Edit/past into selection/on the same layer

6. Selections-Select none

7. Effects-Image effects-Seamless Tilling Factory default

8. Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur 30.



10. Effects- Distortion Effects– Pinch 100

11.Blend Mode to "Soft Light"

12. Effects-Plugins Andrew's collection Andrews 56 ou 55 / Blits Pieces / default

13. Layers-Merge-Merge Down

14. Layers-Duplicate

15. Effects-Plugins KPT -Pyramide Paint

16. Effects -Plugins Factory Gallery U- Serrate 13/21/31

17. Layers-Merge-Merge Down

18. Layers-Duplicate

19. Effects -Plugins Simple -Pizza Slice Mirror( Repeat twice)

20. Open the tube ''renee_triangulaire_fantastique .jpg' - Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new layer

-You are there in your layers palette

21. Layers-Merge-Merge Down /Blend Mode to "difference"

22. Effects-Edge Effects-Enhance

23. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and choose ''renee_fantastique''

24. Selections-Promote selection to layer

25. Selections-Select none

26. Effects-Edge Effects-Enhance More

27. Layers-Duplicate

28. Effects-Plugins Toadies – What are you / 45/4

29. Open the tube ''image 13 '' Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new layer and place

30. Effects- Distorsion Effects - Warp

31. Open the tube ''barre_mysterieuse'' Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new layer

32. Effects-Image Effects - Offset H= 20 and V = 47

33. Blend Mode to "Difference"

34. Open the tube ''image 14'' Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new layer and place

35. Effects – Plugins Simple - 4 way average

36. Effects -Plugins AP01-Innovation - Mirror réflexions

37. Open the tube ''chouchoucat82-s_tubes_fantastique042''' Image-Resize to 62% Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new layer

38. Effects-Image Effects - Offset H= 290 and V = -83

39. Layers-Arrange-Move Down 3 x

-You are there in your layers palette

40. Aktivate the layer: copie de Raster1

41. Selections-Gustom Selection with these settings

42. Selections-Promote selection to layer

43. Layers-Arrange-Bring to Top

- Keep Selection

44. Layers-New Raster Layer

45. Effects-3D Effects– Buttonize color: #726f69

46. Effects- 3D Effects – Chisel

47. Layers-Merge-Merge Down

48. Selections-Modify-Select-Selection Borders

49. Effects -Plugins EyeCandy 5 Impact - Glass- clear with reflection

50. Layers-New Raster Layer

51. Open the tube ''renee_fantastique_fenetre ''Edit/copy/Edit past into selection

52. Lower the opacity to 51%

53. Selections-Select none

54. Magic-Wand with these settings

select inside like this

52. Selections-Modify-Expand 12 pixels

53. Layers-New Raster Layer

54. Open the tube ''renee_fantastique_partie'' Edit/copy/Edit past into selection

55. Effects- Plugins FM Tile Tools  - Blend emboss/Layers-Arrange-Move Down

56. Selections-Select none

Aktivate the top of the layers palette

57. Layers-Merge -Merge Down ( twice) (Now you have one layer)

-You are there in your layers palette

58. Rename Layer 1 of the transform selection = Cadre

- Aktivate layer cadre

59. Effects- 3 D Effects -Drop Shadow choose default

60. Effects- Distortion Effects-wave

61. Image- Free Rotation 30° to the left

62. Image Resize 54% Don't check Resize all the layers

63. Layers-Duplicate

64. Effects-Plugins   Mura's Meister -Copies

65. Layers-Arrange-Move Down

66. Lower the opacity to 55%

67. Aktivate the top of the layers palette

68. Open the tube ''renee_robot2_fantastique'' Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new layer and place

- Place it as shown like this

69. Layers-Arrange- Move Down ( twice)

70. Blend Mode to "Luminance Legacy"

71. Aktivate the top of the layers palette

72. Open the tube 'fantastique_boule mini '' Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new layer and place

73. Adjust-Sharpness-Sharpen More

74. Aktivate the top of the layers palette

75. Layers-New Raster Layer

76. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and choose ''renee_fantastique_1''

77. Material Properties: Forgroundcolor to:#e6e6ed .Paint settings normal mode but the opacity down to 26% / Fill the selection with the new color.

78. Selections-Select none

Paint setting 26 %


79. Effects –Plugins Unlimited 2.0 / Sapphire Filters 09/ Sapphire Plugin_0802

80.Layers-New Raster Layer

81. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and choose ''renee_fantastique_2''

82. Pant setting with the same setting/ Fill the selection with black / Blend Mode to "Hard light"

83. Selections-Select none

84. Effects-Plugins – Distort -Shear- déformer See example.

85. Open the tube ''insect_L''/Edit/copy-Edit past as a new layer and place

86. Effects-Plugins Eye Candy 5 - Perspective shadow -choose my preset ''renee_fantastique_shadow''

87. Layers-Merge-Merge-Visible

88. Image - add borders symmetric 5 pixels black

89. Image - add borders symmetric 25 pixels color #660404

90. Image - add borders symmetric 5 black

91. Magic Wand-Match Mode RGB-Value. With your magic wand select the border with 25 pixels

92. Adjust-Add/Remove-Noise-Add Noise

93. Effects– Plugins Unlimited 2.0 / Sapphire Filters 09/ Sapphire Plugin_0873

94. Selections-Select none


96 .Effects-Plugins Unlimited 2.0 / Image amélioration /Histogramme


97. Text Tool : Write your title I used the font ''celebrity'' or paste mine



That's it !! You've done it !


This lesson was written by Renée the


the January 2013



Any resemblance with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence


Don't forget to thank the people who work for us and with us. I named the tubeurs - Testers and the translators Thank you




I am part of tutorial writers inc.

My tutorials are regularly recorded



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