Translation here
Let's begin 1. Material Properties: Foregroundcolor: #f3d9be and your Backgroundcolor to color : #a09265 2.Prepare a radial gradient configured like this 3. Open a new transparent image of: 995 x 615 pixels color Black 4.Layers-New raster layer / Flood Fill Tool:Fill the layer with the gradient -5. Effects -Plugins VM Experimental - GuessWhat- 6. Effects -Plugins Muras Meister/ copies 7. Effects - Edge Effects- Enhance 8. Effects- Image Effects– Offset!! Attention Edge Mode>Warp 9. Effects - Reflection-Effects - Feedback 10. Effects- Plugins -Simple - Pizza slice mirror 11. Effects - Edge Effects- Enhance More 12. Layers – Duplicate 13. Effects -Plugins Simple - 4 way average 14. Effects -Plugins Nick Software -Color Effex Pro.3.0 15. Activate your copy of raster 1 layer in your layer palette 16 Selections-Custom selection with these settings: 17. Effects -Plugins - Simple -Top left Mirror 18. Selections-Promote selection to layer 19. Selections – select none 20. Effects- Plugins Mura's Meister - Perpsective Tilling 21. Blend Mode of this layer: "Screen" and the opacity to : 69% 22. Effects -Distortion Effects-Warp 23. Effects -Plugins EyeCandy5/ Impact - Bevel. and choose: preset ''renee_angoisse_Bevel'' 24. Activate your copy of raster 1 layer in your layer palette 25. Effects-Plugins Simple - Pizza slice Mirror - This is the result 26 Activate your raster1 layer in your layer palette 27. Effects -Plugins Unlimited - SapphireFilter 09/Sapphire Plugin 0897 - You see nothing for now, this is normal 28. Activate copy of raster 1 layer in your layer palette 29. Selections-Custom Selection with these settings: 30. Delete 31.Selections-select none 32.Blend Mode of this layer :"Hard Light" - This is the result 33. Layers-Merge-Merge Down 34. Activate raster 1 the merged layer in you layer palette(that we just merge) 35. Selections - load/save selection - load selection from disk and choose: sélection ''renee_angoisse_1'' 36. Selections-Promote selection to layer 37. Selections-select none 38. Effects- Plugins Flaming Pear – Flexify2 39. Effects - Plugins -EyeCandy 5- Glass / Preset Clear 40. Effects -Illumination Effects-Sunburst with color:#FFFF00 41. Activate your Top layer in your layer palette 42.Layers-New raster layer 43. Selections - load/save selection - load selection from disk and choose ''renee_angoisse_2'' 44. Flood Fill Tool:Fill the selection with color: #e23400 45. Selections – select none 46. Effects -Plugins -Penta Com – Color Dot 47. Effects -Plugins EyeCandy 6 - Perspective Drop /and choose: Preset''Drop_renee_angoisse'' 48. Effects - Plugins EyeCandy 5 / Impact -Glass -Preset - Clear 49.Activate your Top layer in your layer palette 50. Selections - load/save selection - load selection from disk and choose ''renee_angoisse_3'' 51.Layers-New raster layer 52. Flood Fill Tool:Fill the selection with color: #e23400 53. Selections – select none– 54. Effects- Plugins EyeCandy 5- Impact -Extruxe /and choose: preset '' renee_extude_angoisse'' 55. Open the tube de logane ''logane-monsieur plume-18 fevrier 2013'' / Image-Resize: 55% Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer and place 56. Open the tube ''HightFourDesigns_DirtyCorner-element38'' 57 Image- Resize: 65% Resize all layers not checked. Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer and place 58. Effects -Plugins -Eyecandy5-Impact -Perpective sadow/ Preset -reflect in front 59. Open the tube ''angoisse_Oqs'' Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer and place 60.Open the tube " titre" Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer and place. Or write your own text 61. Open the tube ''angoisse feuille'' /Image -Resize 65 % Resize all layers not checked. Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer and place 62. Layers-Merge-Merge Visible 63.Image - add borders symmetric: 2 pixels white 64. Image - add borders symmetric: 25 pixels color #e23400 65.Image - add borders symmetric: 3 pixels black That's it !! You've done it ! Renée This lesson was written by Renée Created the 6/03/2012 *
Any resemblance with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence * Don't forget to thank the people who work for us and with us. I named the tubeurs - Testers and the translators. Thank you