; } Creative_Hi_Tech



New Translations

In the[Dutch language] by Marion


In the [English language] by Marion


In the [ Italian language] by Graziella


In the[ German language] by Marion




Translations here




FM Tile Tools


Flaming pear -Flexify 2

VM Experimental

EyeCandy 5 -Impact et Texture


Here to

my website



These tubes are


Krys Design and myself


Tubed for this tutorial ask permission to use


Mask Narah

These tubes were received from tubeurs sharing groups. Or found by me searching on the net.

I am grateful to have been given permission these beautiful tubes so please use any copyright information as needed

If one of these tubes is yours, Contact me so I can make a link to your site or remove it

Thanks Renée




Materiel here





Before you start


Open PSP

Open your material

Open / tubes duplicate and close originals

Open then Minimize the mask in PSP

Put filters in their proper folders

Brushes and other tools in their respective folder

To import presets Eye candy / Double-click the file it will automatically install


For older versions of PSP may be that you are having trouble

opening the tubes

Just click OK and the tube can be used.




Let's begin


1. Open a transparent image of 1120 x 840 pixels

2. Material Properties: Forgroundcolor to : #ffffff and the backgroundcolor to : #21201e

3. Prepare a radial gradient configured like this

3.  Food Fill Tool: configured like this

Flood Fill Tool: Fill the layer with the gradient

4. Effects  - Plugins FM Tile Tools - Collage linear

5. Layers-Duplicate /  Effects - Image Effects-Seamless Tilling with the following settings

6. Effects- Edge Effects-Enhance More

7. Layers-New raster layer

8. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and choose: ''hi_tech1'' Flood Fill Tool: Fill the selection with this color: #75c600

9. Effects - Plugins AP01(Innovation) Line Silverling

10. Selection - modify- Select-Selection Borders with the following settings

Flood Fill Tool: Fill the selection with white

11. Effects- Plugins  FM tile tools Blend emboss with the following settings

12. Selection - Select none

13. Effects   - Plugins Flaming pear -  Flexify 2

14. Image Resize to 65 % all layers unchecked

15 Image Free Rotate   - Direction 90 ° Free right

16. Effects - Image Effects - Offset with the following settings

17. Effects -Plugins EyeCandy 5 Imapct - Glass - choose my Preset ''hi_tech_glass''

This is the result

18. Activate the layer underneath (Copie de Raster 1)

19. Effects - Artistic Effects- Colored Foil

20. Effects - Geometric Effects - Skew with the following settings

21. Blend Mode to this layer "Soft Light " and lower the opacity to 53 %

Activate the bottom layer in your layer palette (Raster 1)

22. Effects -Plugins VM Experimental -  Painting by Numbers

23. Layers-New raster layer- Flood Fill Tool: Fill the layer with: #818181

24. Layers-Load/Save Mask-Load Mask from Disk: "Narah_mask_Abstrack63''

25. Effet- Edge Effects-Enhance More

Layers-Merge-Merge group

26. Blend Mode to : Mutiply and lower the opacity to 59%

27. Effects - 3D Effects-Drop Shadow with the following settings

28.  Aktivate the top of the Layers palette

29. Layers-New raster layer

30. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and choose 'hi_tech2''

31. Material Properties: Foregroundcolor to linear ''JGreenerDays'' gradient configured like this

32. Flood Fill tool : fill the selection with the gradient

33. Selection  - Modify - Contract 5 pixels

34. Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout

35. Selection - Select none

36. Effects - Distorsion Effects - Polar Coordinates with the following settings

37. Layers-Arrange-Move Down

You are there in your layers palette

Aktivate your top layer in your layer palette

38. Layers - New Raster Layer

39. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and choose 'hi_tech3" - Flood Fill Tool: Fill the selection with the gradient

40. Selection - modify- Select-Selection Borders with the following settings

Flood Fill Tool: Fill the selection with :#2e5f03

41. Effects -Plugins Eye Candy 5 Impact - Glass - and choose my Preset ''hi_tech_glass2''

42. Selection - Select none

Blend Mode to "Overlay"

43. Layers-New raster layer

44. Aktivate your Shape Tool:- choose my "Forme ring" / (into the materials folder )

draw a shape (See my example)

45. Adjust-Hue and Saturation-Colorize

46. Open the tube ''texteCreativeHi-Tech.png''/Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new layer place

47. Activate the bottom layer in your layer palette (Raster 1)

48. Open the tube ''hi_tech_bulles/Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new layer place-do not move it is in the right place

49. Effects - Distorsion Effects- Spiky Halo with the following settings

50. Blend Mode to "Hard Light"/Image Mirror

This is what you have now

Aktivate the top of the Layers palette

51. Layers - New Raster Layer. Flood Fill tool : fill the layer with white

52. Layers-New mask layer from image and open mask: ''Narah_mask_0336''

53. Image Mirror/ Layers-Merge-Merge Group

54. Move against the left edge with arrow keys on your keyboard

55. Effects -Plugins EyeCandy 5 -Texture - Texture noise / choose my Preset ''hi_tech_texture noise '' see the example

56. Effects - 3D Effects-Drop Shadow 0/0/85/35 black

57. Layers-New raster layer

58. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and choose ''hi_tech4"  /Flood Fill tool : fill the selection with white

59. Selection - Select none

Material Properties: Foregroundcolor to color : #ffffff and the backgroundcolor to color: #75c600

60. Effects -Plugins Unlimited -Toadies - What are you - Overdose to 121

61. Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance

62. Open the tube ''rainmeter_skin_for_the_steampunk_orrery_and_clock_by_yereverluvinuncleber-d5tsv0k.pspimage''/Image resize 65% /Edit/copy - Edit/past as a new layer and place

63. Blend Mode to " Luminance Legacy"

64. Aktivate your Pen Tool: draw two lines (If you have troubles the tube is into the materials folder) draw with your backgroundcolor

This is the result

65. Open the tube ''hi_tech_lumiere ''- Edit/copy - Edit/past as a new layer and place

66. Blend Mode to "Dodge " . Lower the opacity to 85%

67. Open the tube ''hiexpo-chrysdesign'' /Image Resize 55% Edit/copy - Edit/past as a new layer and place

68. Blend Mode to "Luminance Legacy"

69 . Open the tube ''hi_tech_renee_bras '' Edit/copy - Edit/past as a new layer and place. Blend Mode to "Hard Light "

70. Open the tube ''steampunk_chrome_chromium_dock_icon_by_yereverluvinuncleber-d4qcitw.png'' /Image Mirror /Edit/copy - Edit/past as a new layer and place

71. Open the tube ''robot_hi_tech_81bc2817'' - Edit/copy - Edit/past as a new layer and place / Lower the opacity to 81%

(Take tube with the mask is modified)

72. Open the tube '' Hi-Tech 1024x 768_krysdesign" Edit/copy - Edit/past as a new layer and place /Image resize 70% all layers not checked

67. Layers-Arrange-Move Down. Blend Mode to "Luminance"


68.  Layers-Merge-Merge Visible

69. Image Resize to 995 Pixels Width

70. Image - add borders symmetric 2 pixels > color 2

71. Image - add borders symmetric 2 pixels > color 3

72. Image - add borders symmetric 35 pixels > color 1

73. Image - add borders symmetric 2 pixels > color 2

74. Image - add borders symmetric 2 pixels > color 3

75. Image - add borders symmetric 25 pixels > color 5

76. Open the tube ''titre2" Edit/copy - Edit/past as a new layer and place ''

Image Resize to 995 Pixels Width



I hope you enjoyed this lesson


This lesson was written by Renée 16/01/2014

Created the



Any resemblance with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence


Don't forget to thank the people who work for us and with us. I named the tubeurs - Testers and the translators. Thanks Renée




I am part of Tutorial Writers Inc.

My tutorials are regularly recorded



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