Let's get the lesson
Mirage céleste/Mirage in
the sky
- Preparation
-Material Properties:Set the color of your foreground to
color 1 -Set the color of your background to color 2
![](./Mirage-Celeste.E.htlm_files/couleur palette.png)
1. Open the background
image ‘’Fond - Mirage céleste’’- Promoted
background layer=Raster 1
2. Effects-Plugins – Simple – Blintz
3. Effects-Plugins – Simple – Half Wrap
4. Effects-Plugins - Filters
in Unlimited 2.0 - Filter Factory
Gallery A - Zoom Out with these settings: 79/81/224/215
5. Adjust-Sharpness-Sharpen
6. Effects-Edge Effects-
7. Layers-Duplicate
8. Effects-Plugins - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Filter Factory
Gallery T –Tripolis using the settings below
9. Layers-Properties-Set
the Blend Mode to Overlay -Reduce the opacity of this
layer to 40%
10. Layers– Duplicate
11. Effects-Plugins – Alien Skin Xenofex 2- Classic Mosaic
using the settings below
12. Layers-Properties-Set
the Blend Mode to Hard Light -Opacity of this layer to 100%
13. Effects-Plugins – Mura’s Meister – Perspective Tiling
using the settings below
14. Selections –load/save
selection –load selection from disc and select my
selection: ‘’Mirage-céleste 1’’
5 times
15.Open the tube ‘’Renee-Mirage-Celeste-Image
1’’ -Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as
new layer
16. Pick Tool: (K) on your
keyboard-Enter the following parameters on the toolbar
641/ - 65
- Press( M )to close the
17.Open the tube ‘’Renee-Mirage-Celeste-Image
2’’ -Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as
new layer
18. Pick Tool: (K) on your
keyboard-Enter the following parameters on the toolbar
/ 0
- Press( M )to close the
19. Layers- New Raster
Selections –load/save selection –load selection from
disc and select my selection: ‘’Mirage-céleste 2’’
21. Material Properties:Set
your Foreground color to color white (#ffffff)
Activate Flood Fill Tool
the selection with color white
22. Edit - Copy- Activate
your work -Edit - Paste as new layer ‘’Renee-Mirage-Celeste-Image
23. Objects – Align –
Left – Objects - Align- Top
24. Layers-Properties-Set
the Blend Mode to Hard Light
25. Layers- New Raster
26. Selections –load/save
selection –load selection from disc and select my
selection: – ‘’Mirage-céleste 3’’
27. Activate Flood Fill
Fill the selection with color white
28. Adjust- Blur-Gaussian
Blur-Radius 1%
In the Layers palette-Activate Copy of Raster 1
29. Layers- New Raster
Selections –load/save selection –load selection from
disc and select my selection: – ‘’Mirage-céleste 4’’
31.Material Properties:Set
your Foreground color to color No.1
Activate Flood Fill
Fill the selection with color No.1
32. Effects-Distortion
Effects-Wave using the settings below
33. Layers-Properties-Set
the Blend Mode to Hard Light -Reduce the opacity of this
layer to 73%
34. Effects – Edge Effects-
35. Selections –load/save
selection –load selection from disc and select my
selection: – ‘’Mirage-céleste 5’’
36. Effects-3D- Effects-
Drop Shadow with these settings: color black
37. Effects-Distortion
Effects-Spiky Halo use the settings below
38. Repeat-Effects-3D-
Effects- Drop Shadow with the same settings
39. Effects -User Defined
Filter-Emboss 3
- Activate the top of the
Layers palette
- Material Properties:Set
the color of your foreground to color 3
Layers- New Raster Layer
41. Selections –load/save
selection –load selection from disc and select my
– ‘’Mirage-céleste 6’’
Open the
Airbrush tool
- Reset to default
![](./Mirage-Celeste.E.htlm_files/par defaut.png)
- Then configure as follows
- Round in shape and
- Place the tool at the top
of the selection and move it down along the bottom edge
- Stop at the end of the selection
as shown in the following
43. Adjust- Blur-Gaussian
Blur-Radius 41%
44. Layers-Duplicate
45. Effects- Image Effects-
Seamless Tiling using the settings below
46. Selections –load/save
selection –load selection from disc and select my
‘’Mirage-céleste 7’’
47. Layers-Properties-Set
the Blend Mode to Screen
48.Open the tube ‘’ Renee-Mirage-Celeste-
Image 4.’’ -Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit -
Paste as new layer
- Move the tube to the
right side (see finished image)
49. Layers-Properties-Set
the Blend Mode to Overlay -Reduce the opacity of this
layer to 51%
Effects-3D- Effects- Drop Shadow with these settings:
- 55/ 0 / 47 /74 color
- Activate Copy(2) on
Raster 1 (ground)
51.Effects-Plugins -Alien Skin EyeCandy 5 – Nature – Smoke-Tab-Settings/User
Settings and select my file- Preset – ‘’Mirage-celeste-smoke’’
![](./Mirage-Celeste.E.htlm_files/12.PNG) ![](./Mirage-Celeste.E.htlm_files/12a.PNG)
- Activate the top of the
Layers palette
52.Open the tube ‘’ Renee-Mirage-Celeste-
Image 5’’
- Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer
- Place the tube in the
bottom left corner / Renée has chosen the following
settings >>Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard - Position
X = - 52 and Position Y = 180
53.Open the tube ‘’Renee-Mirage-Celeste-
Image 6’’
- Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer
Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard-Enter the following
parameters on the toolbar
/ 33
- Press (M)to close the
55.Open the tube
‘’Renee-Mirage-Celeste- Image 7’’-Edit
- Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer
56. Pick Tool: (K) on your
keyboard-Enter the following parameters on the toolbar
337 / 175
- Press (M)to close the
Put the image aside for now,
we will need it later.
- Material properties: Set
the color of your foreground to color 1 - Set the color
of your background to color 2
- Replace your foreground
color with a Foreground/Background Sunburst gradient
configured like this
57. File-Open a new
transparent image in this size : 550
x 550 Pixels
58. Selections –load/save
selection –load selection from disc and select my
selection:–‘’Mirage-céleste 8’’
59. Activate Flood Fill
Flood Fill the selection with the gradient
Adjust- Blur-Gaussian Blur-Radius 20%
61. Selections- Invert
62. Effects-3D- Effects-
Drop Shadow with these settings: – 25/ 0 / 44
/ 32 color white
63. Effects-3D- Effects-
Drop Shadow with these settings: 9 / 0 / 44 /
32 color black
64. Effects-Plugins - Alien Skin EyeCandy 5 – Impact – Extrude
using the settings below
65. Layers – Duplicate
66. Image -Resize -to 75% -Resize
all layers unchecked
67. Effects – Image Effects-
Offset using the settings below
68. Layers-Properties-Set
the Blend Mode to Multiply
- Change the foreground
color - color No.4 - Use the same gradient
69. Layers- New Raster
Selections –load/save selection –load selection from
disc and select my selection:
–‘’Mirage-céleste 9’’
71. Activate Flood Fill
Fill the selection with the gradient
72. Selections - Modify -Contract
by 40 pixels
73. Effects-Plugins – EyeCandy 4000 – FUR
using the settings below( Allows you to change the color
of the Fur effect.)
74. Selections –load/save
selection –load selection from disc and select my
selection: – ‘’Mirage-céleste 9’’
75. Effects-Plugins – EyeCandy 4000 – Drip
using the settings below
76. Edit- Copy Special-Copy
Activate the image you
minimized in step 57 -Edit- Paste as new layer
77. Image -Resize -to
65%-Resize all layers unchecked
78. Objects - Align –
79.Open the tube ‘’Renee-Mirage-Celeste-
Image 8’’
-Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as
new layer
- Place on base - see
finished image
-Eraser Tool (X)
Erase this part of the tube to make it appear to pass
behind the circle.
Layers- New Raster Layer
81. Selections –load/save
selection –load selection from disc and select my
selection: – ‘’Mirage-céleste 10’’
Activate Flood Fill Tool
Fill the selection with the gradient
83. Effects-3D- Effects-
Drop Shadow with these settings: -1 / 1 /54
/ 41 color black
84. Effects-Plugins –Mura’s Meister –Pole Transform
using the settings below
85. Adjust-Blur-Gaussian
Blur-Radius 20%
86. Layers-Properties-Set
the Blend Mode to Screen -Reduce the opacity of this
layer to 48%
87. Effects-Plugins - Alien Skin EyeCandy 5 – Impact – Motion Trail
using the settings below
88. Open the tube
‘’Renee-Mirage-Celeste- Image 9’’ -Edit - Copy- Activate
your work -Edit - Paste as new layer
Move the
tube to the right side ( see finished image)
89. Layers- Arrange- Move
Effects-Plugins - Alien Skin EyeCandy 5 –
Impact – Perspective Shadow using the settings below
91. Image -Add
Borders-Symmetric checked: 1 Pixel -color black
Image -Add
Borders-Symmetric checked: 10 Pixels -color white
Image -Add
Borders-Symmetric checked: 1 Pixel -color black
Image -Add
Borders-Symmetric checked: 40 Pixels -color white
- Add the author's
watermark to your work and your own watermark
92. Image - Resize to 1005
pixels width- Resize all layers checked
-Save as JPG
Thanks for your time and
enjoyment of this lesson.
This lesson has been
written by Renée 16/06/2024
Edited and Update
in 2024
Any resemblance to an
existing lesson is purely coincidental.
Don't forget to thank the
people who work with us and for us - the testers and