; } page_type_tuto






Translated by Sally




Translator Here





Graphic plus

Mura's Meister

Factory Gallery H

Sapphire Filters 01/Sapphire Pluin _0016

EyeCandy 5 Impact


Preset dans le dossier



Instructions to properly install Vizros

click on the caterpillar




my website






Thafs  - Nicole et Odette

These tubes were received from tubeurs sharing groups

Or found by me searching on the net

I am grateful to have been given permission these beautiful tubes so

please use any copyright information as needed

If one of these tubes is yours,

Contact me

so I can make a link to your site

or remove it

Thank you Renee



Materials here





Copy the selections to your Selections folder.

Copy the preset to your Presets folder



Let's begin

1. Open an image of 1025 x 685 pixels in black

2. Effects - texture effects - Tiles

3. Effects - Edge effect/ enhance more

4. Effects - Simple/ Pizza Slice Mirror. Repeat

5. Effects - Geometric Effect - Horizontal Perspective

6. Selections - load selection/ ''noir_1''

7. Selections - promote the selection to a layer

8. Selections - select none

9. Duplicate the layer / Mirror Image

10. Layers - Merge Down

11. Effects - Graphic plus/ Cross shadow - Default (repeat)

12. Layers - Duplicate

13. Effects - Mura's Meister - Perspective Tiling

14. Effects - Edge effects/ enhance

15. Effects - 3-D effects/ Drop Shadow

16. Selections - load selection "noir_2"/ Delete

17. Selections - deselect

you have this in your layers palette

18. Go to the bottom layer/ Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur/ 85

19. Go to layer = Promoted selection

20. Selection tool - Custom selection

21. Layers - add a new layer

22. Set your foreground color to #6b6b6b and background to #3c3c49

23. Prepare a linear gradient configured like this

24. Fill the selection with the gradient

25. Selections - deselect

26. Layers - duplicate

27. Go back to the original layer/ the one below

28. Effects - Filters Unlimited 2.0 / Factory Gallery H - Alias Blur

 29. Effects - Reflection effect - Feedback

30. Back to the copied raster layer

31. Filter effect Vizros - Box

See here how to properly install your filter * click on the track above*

*if problems with Vizros / if white line

select all / select Modify / Contract by 2 pixels / selection invert / delete / deselect


32. With the magic wand click in the white part - press Delete

33. Selection - deselect

34. Image Resize to 85%/ resize all layers unchecked

35. Layers - arrange/ bring to top

36. Change the blend mode to hard light

37. Effects - 3-D effects/ Drop Shadow

** Move the created Vizros box tube to a suitable place / see finished

- Your palette looks like this

- And your work like this

38. With the magic wand / (approx.20 Tolerance) - Select the black top part like this

39. Effects - Image effects - Page curl / color #808080

40. Selections - deselect

41. With the magic wand (tolerance approx 10) select the black part on the lower right

42. Effects - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Sapphire Filters 01/Sapphire Plugin _0016

43. With the wand (tolerance approx 10) - select the black part mid left

44. Effects - Filters Unlimited 2.0 / Sapphire Filters 13/Sapphire Plugin_1245

45. Selections - Modify - Contract by 10 pixels

46. Effects - 3D Effects - Cutout


47. Open the tube "nicole-etrange12-2013" copy/ edit paste as a new layer

Place like this

Effects - Reflection effect - Feedback/Selections - deselect




48. Open the tube "verlaine24" - paste as a new layer / It is in the right place

49. Layers - Arrange/ Move down 2x

- You have this

50. Go to the top of the Layers palette

51. Layers - add a new layer

52. Selections - load selection "noir_3" fill color #000000

53. Effects - AP01 [Innovation] Emboss - Emboss Pic

54. Selections - deselect

55. Effects - 3-D effect/ Drop Shadow 10/10/50/5 black

56. Layers duplicate / Mirror Image

57. Effects - Distortion effects - Twirl @ 600

58. Set the blend mode to Dissolve

59. Layers - add a new layer

60. Selections - load selection "noir_4"

61. Prepare a sunburst gradient with foreground color #efe8e3 and a black background

62. Fill the selection with the gradient

63. Selections - select none

64. Invert color palette (black foreground)

65. On the same layer / selections - load the selection "Noir_6" fill with the new gradient

66. Selections - deselect

67. Effects - EyeCandy 5 Impact - Glass - Preset / Clear

68. Open tube "noir_nuages" copy and paste move to the left as shown

69. Open the tube ''grenouille sous sa feuille _Odette'' - resize to 50% and paste as a new layer

A good place is this

70. Layers - Merge Visible

71. Layers - add a new layer

72. Selections - load selection "noir_5" / Select modify / expand - number of pixels = 10

73. Your color palette is like this /

Linear gradient Angle 45 and Repeat 3 / Invert unchecked

74. With your flood fill tool configured like this / - RGB value, tolerance 20 and opacity 30

75. Fill with the background color

76. Selections modify / contract by 10 pixels / and fill with the gradient

77. Effects - texture effects/ blinds

78. Selections - deselect

79. Open the text tube ''texte_noir'' copy and paste as a new layer

80. Image - add borders 2 pixels black

81. Image - add borders/ asymmetric color #8c867c

82. Open the tube "homme_etrange_by_thafs"/ resize to 85% - paste as a new layer and place as shown

83. Open the tube ''renee_noir_coccinelle" / resize to 65% - paste as a new layer and place as shown

84. Image add borders 2 pixels black

85. Image Resize to 1125 pixels wide


All finished

Thanks Sally



I am part of Tutorial Writers Inc.

My tutorials are regularly recorded


Your creations here