
New Translations


La langue ne devrait jamais être un obstacle à la créativité.

Language should never be an obstacle for creativity.

La lingua non dovrebbe mai essere un ostacolo alla creatività.

Sprache sollte niemals ein Hindernis für Kreativität sein.

Taal mag nooit een obstakel voor creativiteit zijn.

El lenguaje nunca debe ser un obstáculo para la creatividad.

A linguagem nunca deve ser uma barreira para a criatividade.

I would like to thank the translators

This text has been translated into Dutch by





This was translated into English by

Thank You



The Italian translation was done by




The German translation was done by




This text has been translated into Spanish by




This was translated into Portuguese by






When you use my Filter Unlimited 2.3, you will see that it consists of three folders.

It is important that you look at the folders before adding a preset. 

The following filters are used in this lesson.

Medhi   Here

L & K's   Here

FM Tile Tools   Here

Innovations 1.5   Here

 PluginsGalaxy   Here

 Transparency  Here

Mura’s Meister  Here

Alien Skin EyeCandy 5 – Impact    Here

AAA Frame Here


My website has an extensive selection of filters. 


My tubes



These tubes are made specifically for this lesson.

If you intend to share these tubes or these lessons in a group, club or forum, please ask the owner for permission.

The tube must not be sent without the lesson.

Please do not make any changes to the tube, as these tubes were created specifically for this lesson.

 You can find my tubes on my website


Material here


This tutorial was created with PSP 2022 Ultimate.


It can be done with other versions of PSP.

 The colors will be different, depending on the PSP used. .


Follow the tutorial using the arrow.


Let's start the lesson.


Réflexion infinie - Infinite reflection


- Material Properties: Set Foreground Color to Color 1 - Set Background Color to Color 2


- Replace your foreground with a foreground/background linear gradient configured like this.

1. File-Open a new transparent image of this size: 1100 x 750 Pixels

2. Flood Fill Tool – Flood fill the layer with the gradient

3. Effects – Plugins – Medhi – Sorting Tiles use the settings below

4. Effects – Edge Effects-Enhance

5. Layers-Duplicate

6. Effects - Plugins - Filters in Unlimited 2.0 -  VM 1 – Web Weaver use the settings below

7. Effects – Plugins - L & K's – Mayra all sliders to 0

8. Layers-Properties-Set the Blend Mode to "Hard Light" 

9. Effects - Plugins - Filters in Unlimited 2.0 – Toadies  - Bitches Crystal...with these settings : 43/24

10. Layers-New Mask Layer-From Image- select  ‘’Masque- Infinite reflection

- Layers- Merge- Merge Group

11. Effects – 3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings :  0/0/50/50 Color black

- Repeat: Drop Shadow same settings

- Material Properties: Set Foreground Color to Color 3 - Set Background Color to Color  4

- Replace your foreground with a foreground/background sunburst gradient configured like this.

12. Layers- New Raster Layer

13.  Flood Fill Tool – Flood fill the layer with the gradient

14. Effects – Plugins – FM Tile Tools – Seamless Tile use the settings below

15. Effects - Plugins  - Filters in Unlimited 2.0 - Filter Factory Gallery B – Button DeLuxe use the settings below

16. Image - Resize by 55% - Resize all layers not checked

17. Effects –Reflection Effects – Rotating Mirror use the settings below


18. Effects –Reflection Effects – Rotating Mirror use the settings below

19. Layers-Properties-Set the Blend Mode to " Difference" – Reduce the opacity of this layer to 44 %

20. Effects – Plugins – Innovations 1.5 – Wavy City with these settings

- Material Properties: Set Foreground Color to Color 5 - Set Background Color to Color 2

21. Layers- New Raster Layer

22. Effects – Plugins – Medhi – WavyLab 1.1 use the settings below

23. Effects - Plugins -Filters in Unlimited 2.0 – VM Natural - Weave Distortion...use the settings below

24. Effects –Plugins -L & K's – Palmyre using the default settings

25. Effects –Plugins -PluginsGalaxy – Grid-

A window opens-select Bubble use the settings below


26. Effects – Reflection Effects – Rotating Mirror use the settings below

27. Effects – Reflection Effects – Rotating Mirror use the settings below

28. Effects – Plugins – Transparency – Eliminate Black

29. Effects – Edge Effects-Enhance

30. Effects –Distortion Effects –Warp use the settings below

31. Effects – 3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings :  1/1/65/1 Color White

- Activate Raster 1 in the layer palette

Foreground properties- Set the foreground color to color 6

32. Layers- New Raster Layer

33. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and select my selection: ‘’Infinite- reflection 2’’

34. Flood Fill Tool – Flood fill selections with the foreground color 6

35. Layers- New Raster Layer

36. Activate Mask "Narah_Mask _0878

- Edit - Copy - Activate your work - Edit - Paste into selection

37.Effects – Plugins – Mura’s Meister – Perspective Tiling using the default settings

38.Layers-Properties-Set the Blend Mode to " Difference" – Reduce the opacity of this layer to 55%

- Activate Raster 4 in the layer palette

39. Activate your Magic Wand – Tolerance at 0 and Feather at 45

Click in the empty area 3 to 4 times

- Your work and layer palette should now look like this - you should have the following result (layers arranged correctly)

- Activate the top of the layer palette

40. Activate the tube  ‘’Renee-Tubes-Infinie-reflexion-Cadres’’ -Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer 

41. Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard - Enter the following parameters on the toolbar

   27 /32

 Press the ( M ) button to close the tool

42. Layers- New Raster Layer

43. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and select my selection: ‘’Infinite- reflection 3’’

44. Activate  ‘’Texture- Infinite reflection''

- Edit - Copy - Activate your work - Edit - Paste into selection

45. Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin EyeCandy 5 – Impact – Glass use the settings below

46. Layers-Arrange-Move Down

- Activate the layer above

47. Layers- Merge-Merge Down

48. Layers-Properties-Set the Blend Mode to " Overlay " -Reduce the opacity of this layer to 79%

49. Open and activate the tube  ’’ Renee-Tubes- Infinite reflection -3personnages ‘’ -Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer

Pick Tool: (K) on your keyboard - Enter the following parameters on the toolbar   21 /0

50. Effects – 3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings : 2/2/50/25 Color Black

51. Activate Text Tool -With the font attached(ZoloftSideffex) -Size 48 - Write the title (foreground a color of your work - background white)

- Place to your liking

52. Layers- New Raster Layer

53. Selections –load/save selection –load selection from disc and select my selection: ‘’Infinite- reflection 1’’

54. Set the Foreground color to color white (7)

Flood Fill Tool – Flood fill the selection with color white (7)

55. Selections- Modify-Contract  1 Pixel

56 Open and activate the tube  ‘’ Renee-Tubes- Infinite reflection -Fleches’’ -Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer

- Move see finished image

57. Open 2 tubes to your liking

These 2 were chosen by Renée ‘’ Renee-Tubes-Infinite -reflection –Femme’’ and ‘’ Renee-Tubes-Infinite -reflection –Homme’’

-Edit - Copy- Activate your work -Edit - Paste as new layer 

58. On each tube - apply a drop shadow of your choice

This is my shadow

- Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin EyeCandy 5 – Impact- Perspective Shadow use  the settings below

59. Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 1 Pixel Color No 6

60. Selections – Select All

61. Image - Add Borders-Symmetric checked: 45 Pixels Color white

62. Selections – Modify – Expand by 15 Pixels 

63. Effects – 3D-Effects-Drop Shadow with these settings :  0/0/50/50 Color Black

64. Selections – Select All

65. Selections - Modify- Contract by 15 Pixels

66. Effects – Plugins – AAA Frame – Foto Frame use the settings below

67. Add the author's watermark to your work and your own watermark.

68. Layers-Merge-Merge All (flatten) 

69. Image -Resize 1050 Pixels width - Resize all layers checked.

Save as JPG



I appreciate your attention and engagement with this lesson.


Renée wrote this lesson on 06/09/2024

I have edited and updated it. 

in  2024


Any resemblance to an existing lesson is purely coincidental.

Do not forget to thank the people who work with us and for us. I have appointed the tubeurs and translators.

Thank you *.



2014 reçu de TWInc


I am a member of Tutorial Writers, Inc.

I record my tutorials on a regular basis.

ReneeGraphisme_All rights reserved.

Tutorials are copyrighted.



View your gorgeous drawing now by clicking here.


I would like to thank the people who work with us and for us: the tubers, my translators, and my three testers

Marion, Marylou, and Martine.

Thank you.