Attention: With this work, It is important that the tubes come onto the right place
Let's begin
1: Open a new transparent image of: 1015 X 715 pixels
2: Materials-Properties: Forgroundcolor to : # 84a3c9 Backgroundcolor to : #bfaba0
3: Effects-Plugins – Mura’s meister – clouds ( Color white above and beyond the colors that are shown
4: Adjust– Blur – Gaussian Blur : Radius 12
5: Effects – User Defined Filter– preset – “sharpen_major –is included in the zipfile
6: Effects-Plugins – graphic plus – cross shadow
7: Effects – Image Effects– Seamless Tilling: side by side
8: Layers – New raster layer – Flood -Fill - Tool : Fill with black
9: Layers-New Mask Layer from Image: “maskcameron41”
Layers- Merge-Merge Group
11: Effects - Plugins – Simple – Zoom out and flip
12: Image – Free rotate with this setting
13: Effects Plugins – Andromeda perspective – floors – floor low
14: Effects – Image Effects– Offset
15: Selections-Custom selection with these settings
16: Delete
17: Selections-Select none
18: Effects –Plugins eye candy5 – textures – wood - preset
Effects–Plugins eye candy – impact – perspective shadow – preset
Layers-New raster layer
21: Selections-Custom selection with these settings
22: Materials Properties: –Foregroundcolor to : #c9aa91 and backgroundcolor to black
23: Prepare a radial gradient configured like this
24: Flood Fill Tool:Fill the selection with the gradient
25: Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur: radius:
26: Effects –Plugins eye candy5 – texture – marble
27: Selections-select none
28: Open the tube “setowskmagie_image1” – Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer.– Opacity to 73%
29: Open the tube “setowskmagie_image2” – Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer.– place under the frame in the middle –Blend Mode to "Luminance Legacy"
30: Effects– 3D Effects – Drop Shadow: 0/5/30/22
31: Open the tube “renee_ange” Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer and place
32: Open the tube “setowskmagie_image3” – Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer.Place the tube around the angel
33: Effects – User Defined Filter -vibrate
34: Open the tube “clou” – Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer and place
35: Layers-New raster layer
36: Selections - load/save selection - load selection from disk and choose “sedowsky_2”
– Flood -Fill - Tool : Fill with black
37: Open the tube “setowskmagie_image4”(heaven) – Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer and place
38: Layers-New raster layer
39: Selections - load/save selection - load selection from disk and choose “setowsky_1”
- Flood -Fill - Tool : Fill with black
40: Selections – Select none
41: Magic Wand: with your magic wand select the inside
42: Activate the second bottom layer in your layer palette (Groupe raster 2)
–and Delete
43: See the result above point 41 – Do not deselect
44: Stay on top of the layer in your layer palette.
45: Layers-New raster layer
46: Open the tube “ladycrea9” – Edith/copy/Edith paste into the selection
47: Selections-select none
48: Stay on the layer (layer of selections1)
49: Effects–Plugins eye candy5 impact – extrude – preset
Effects –Plugins eye candy5 – textures – wood – preset
Activate one layer above it –Layers -Merge-Merge Down
52: Open the tube “setowskmagie_image5” – Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer.–Place on the top right
53: Layers – Duplicate– Image – Mirror – Layers-Merge-Merge Down
54: Layers-Merge- Merge- Visible
55: Aktivate the Freehand selection –draw a selection like on the screen
56: Selections-Promote selection to layer
57: Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur: radius:
58: Layers-New raster layer
59: Open the tube “photo_Denise_arnoult” – Image –
Mirror – Edith/copy /Edith paste into the selection
60: Blend Mode "Hard Light"– Selections-select none
61: Layers-Merge-Merge Down
62: Open the tube “clouds1_sw” – Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer.
Place on the left
63: Activate the bottom layer, (the merged layer)
64: Selections - load/save selection - load selection from disk and choose “sedwsky_3” – Selections-Promote selection to layer
65: Adjust – Blur– Radial Blur
66: Selections – select none– Layers - Arrange-Bring to Top
67: Effects -Plugins Fm Tile tools – blend emboss default
68: Open the tube “nuage_2” – Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer.–
and place on the right side
69: Open the tube “rock_border_dirt” –Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer.
70: Open the tube “krysfantastique 25” – Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer.– and place on the left– Blend Mode "Luminance "( Legacy)
71: Open the tube “kryssurealisme002” –Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer
72: Open the tube “image 14” – Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer.–
Blend Mode "Luminance" ( Legacy)
73: Layers-Merge Merge Visible
74: Image - add borders symmetric 2 pixels black
75: Image - add borders symmetric 20 pixels white
76: Image - add borders symmetric 2 pixels black
77: Image - add borders symmetric 40 pixels white
78: Image - add borders symmetric 2 pixels black
79: Open the tube “nuage_3” Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer.
80: Aktivate Text Tool: Font “TR” – Size 72 pixels and write your text
Or you take “titre_png” into the zipfile–Edit/ copy- Edit/ paste as new layer
That's it !! You've done it !!
the 31/10/2013