; } page_type_tuto



New Translations

In [Dutch] by Patrica


In [English] by Marion


In [Italian] by Graziella




Translations here





AP01 (Innovation)

EyeCandy 5 Impact

Mura's Meister - Copies

VM 1/ Mighty Maze

Unlimited 2.0 / Pshychosis



To my website



Tubes are


Guismo and Hebe

These tubes were received from tubeurs sharing groups Or found by me searching on the net

I am grateful to have been given permission these beautiful tubes so please use any copyright information as needed

If one of these tubes is yours, Contact me so I can make a link to your site or remove it

Thank you Renee



Materials here




Before you start


Open PSP


Open your material


Open / tubes duplicate and close originals

Open then Minimize the mask in PSP

Put filters in their proper folders

Brushes and other tools in their respective folder


To import presets Eye Candy / Double-click the file it will automatically install



Let's begin


1. Open your background''fond_le_parfum_des_memoires.jpg''/Window/ Duplicate/ we will work with this. Close original.

2. Adjust-Blur-Radial Blur

3. Material Properties: Set foreground to color #2b2c36  and background to #b1cdd9

4. Layers - New raster layer

5. Selection tool - Custom selection with these settings

6. Flood Fill tool : fill the selection with your foregroundcolor

7. Layers-New mask layer from image''1250181886_nikita­masques.jpg''

8. Layers-Merge-Merge group- Selections- select none

9. Effects - 3D Effects-Drop Shadow:


10. Layers-New Raster Layer

11. Effects - Reflection -Rotating Mirror

12. Layers-New Raster Layer/Image Mirror

13. Layers-Merge-Merge Down

Your layer palette should look like this now

14. Layers-Merge -Merge Down

15. Effects  -Plugins Simple - 4Way average

16.  Effects  -Plugins AP01 (Innovation)  / Lines Silverling

18. Effects  -Plugins EyeCandy 5 Impact - Perspective shadow-Preset ''parfum_memoires_1''

19. Layers-New Raster Layer

20. Selections - load/save selection - load selection from disk and choose ''parfum_memoire_1'' Flood Fill Tool: Fill the selection with your foregroundcolor

21. Selections-Select none

22. Layers-New Raster Layer

23. Effects-Plugins Eyecandy 5 / Blacklight /Preset ''parfum_memoire_light''

24. Blend Mode of this layer" Difference" and lower the Opacity to 44%

25. Layers-New Raster Layer

26. Selection tool - Custom selection with these settings

27. Flood Fill Tool -Opacity to 80%. Fill the selections with your backgroundcolor

28. Selections-Select none

29. Effects-Plugins Mura's Meister - Copies

30. Effects - Distortion Effects-Wave

31. Effects - Image Effects-Offset

32. Lower the Opacity to 71%

33. Activate the bottom layer of the Layers palette (raster 1)

34. Selections - load/save selection - load selection from disk and choose ''parfum_memoires_2''

35. Selections - Promote-selection To Layer

36. Effects- 3D Effects-Drop Shadow:

 Repeat Drop Shadow 0/ and -5

37. Effects  - Plugins VM 1-Mighty Maze-Zoom a 127

38. Selections-Select none

39. Effects -Plugins Unlimited 2.0 / Pshychosis / Acid Litho 14/14/14

40. Effects- Plugins Mura's Meister  / Perspective Tilling

41. Effects - Edge Effects-  Enhance

42. Aktivate the top of the Layers palette

43. Layers-New Raster Layer

44. Open your Brush ''pinceau_parfum_memoires '' In your psp> -File -Export- Custum Brush /Give a name ''pinceau_parfum_memoire''

45. Open your Brush -''pinceau_parfum_memoires '' with these settings

46 . In the color palette / Set foreground to color white- Stamp 4 to 6 times see Example

47. Effects - Edge Effects-Enhance

Activate the bottom layer of the Layers palette (raster 1)

48. Open the tube ''effet_Flash'' Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new Layer

49. Good place like this

52. Blend Mode of this layer" Difference" and lower the Opacity to 44%

53. Aktivate the top of the Layers palette

54. Open the tube ''parfum_memoires_barres '' Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer

55. Effects - Image Effects -Offset: H= - 211 and V = - 5

56. Open the tube ''parfum_memoires_petit_cadre '' Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer

Layers-Duplicate and place

57. Layers-Merge-Merge Down

58. Layers-New Raster Layer/In the color palette / Set foreground to color white

59. Open Brush '''pinceau_les_parfums_des_memoires''- In your psp> -File -Export- Custum Brush -Give a name .Stamp 2 times into the 2 Frames see Example

60 For the two frames take a new layer for each brush. Layers-Merge -Merge Down.Effects-Geometric Effects - Perspective Horizontal

 61. Open the tube ''renee_clous'' Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new Layer and place. Layers -Duplicate. Place them on the other signboard/ Layers-Merge Merge Down

62. Blend Mode of this layer" Hard Light "

63. Open the tube ''woman226-ByHebe'' Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new Layer and place

64. Open the tube ''calguisbodypaint719'' Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new Layer

65. Place left and lower the Opacity to 63%

66. Open the tube ''Renee_parfum_2011''/ (Activate your tube layer 2) Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new Layer

67. Effects  -Reflection Effects -Feedback

68. Everything is at the right place

69. Layers-Merge-Merge Visible

70. Open the tube ''parfum_memoires_lampe'' Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new Layer and place


71. Open tube ''parfum_memoires_carquelures'' Edit/copy-Edit/paste as a new Layer and place

72. Layers - New Raster Layer

73.Selections - load/save selection - load selection from disk and choose ''parfum_memoires_4''

74. Color palette: Forgroundcolor: white. Flood Fill Tool - Opacity to 30 % / Food-Fill-Tool : click 2 x with your foregroundcolor into the selection

75. Selections-Select none

76. Layers-Merge-Merge Visible

77.Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked 3 pixels in black

78.Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked 30 pixels #92995a

79. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked pixels in black

80.Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked 40 pixels in blanc

81.Image - Add Borders - Symmetric checked 2 pixels in noir

Layers-Merge-Merge All ( Flatten )

I hope you enjoyed this lesson

This lesson was written by Renée at 22/09/2013




I am part of Tutorial Writers Inc.

My tutorials are regularly recorded


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