; } le_coeur_ouvert



New Translations

In [Dutch translated ] by Marion


In [English translated ] by Marion n


In [Italien translated ] by Graziella


In [German translated ] by Marion




Translations here




Picture man Collection (In the zip file)

Unlimited -Tramage -wood grain (In the zip file )


VM Experimental

Mura's Meister


Picture man Collection

EyeCandy 5 Impact

Unlimited -Tramage

AAA Frame

EyeCandy5 -Nature

Nick Color Effex Pro3


Visit here my




Tubes are of


KrysDesign and Trizia

Tubed specially for this tutorial

and myself

These tubes were received from tubeurs sharing groups .

Or found by me searching on the net.

I am grateful to have been given permission these beautiful tubes so please use any copyright information as needed.

If one of these tubes is yours?

Contact me so I can make a link to your site or remove it

Thanks Renée



DOWNLOAD material here




Before you start


Open PSP

Open your material

Open / tubes duplicate and close originals

Open then Minimize the mask in PSP

Put filters in their proper folders.

Brushes and other tools in their respective folders

*View - Toolbars - Script checked !!!!! *

C:\Users\YourName\Documents\Corel PaintShop Pro\16.0\ Scripts-trusted

To import presets Eye candy / Double-click the file it will automatically install


For older versions of PSP

may be that you are having trouble opening the tubes

Just click OK and the tube can be used.

Thanks Renée



This lesson was made in version X6 , but can easily be made in previous version.

Mail me if you encounter some difficulties.

In earlier versions, merging down layers with different blend mode and/or opacity, can result in a slightly different effect .

The option Image - mirror/flip is no longer available in PSP versions newer than X3, please use the script click here


Let's Start

Open your color palette

1. File: Open the image ''fond__coeur_ouvert''/Promote Background layer = raster 1

2. Effects - Image effects-Seamless Tilling/default

3. Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur: Radius 40

4. Layers- Duplicate

5. Effects - Reflection effects  - Feedback

6. Selections-Custom selection with these settings

7. Selections- Promote selection to layer

8. Selections-Invert

Activate the layer underneath(Copie de raster 1)

9. Effects - Plugins Unlimited  VM Experimental/Magnetic Direction

10. Effects- Plugins - Mura's Meister - Perspective Tilling

11. Selections - Deselect all

Layer-Palette: Activate -Layer- copie de Raster 1

12.Layers- Duplicate/Layers- Arrange-Bring to top

13. Effects -Plugins - Simple -Top left Mirror

14. Effects - Geometric effects -Circle /Transparent

Your work and Layer Palette look like this now:

15. Activate tube ''coeur_ouvert_image_1'' -Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer

16. Effects - Image effects- Offset

17. Material Properties: Foreground color to color : #ab0b0b Background color to color: #110000

18. Prepare a Radial Gradient as configured

19.Layers- Newe raster layer/Selections - load/save selection - load selection from disk and choose "coeur_ouvert_1'' /Flood Fill Tool: Fill the selection with the gradient

20. Effects - Textureffects  - Polished Stone

21. Effects- Edge effects-Enhance

22. Selections - Deselect all

23. Effects- Plugins - Picture man Collection -Facetted Glass parameters

24. Effects - 3D Effects- Drop Shadow/white

25. Image Mirror

26. Layers- Merge-Merge Down

27. Layers- Duplicate

28. Effects - Reflection effects- Rotating Mirror

29. Selections-Custom selection with these settings

30. Delete

31. Selections - Deselect all

32. Layers- Duplicate/Image Mirror /Layers- Merge- Merge Down

33. Layer-Plaette: Blend Mode "Difference" and the layer underneath (raster 3) Blend Mode" Exclusion"

Your work and Layer Palette look like this now:

34. Image Flip

35. With your eraser tool to remove these edges

36. Effects -Plugins - Mura's Meister -Perspective Tilling

37. Effects-Plugins -Eye Candy 5 Impact / Chrome -choose my Preset ''coeur_ouvert_chrome''

38. Layer-Palette: Blend Mode "Hard Light " Layers- Arrange-Move 3x down, under layer of the circle

Stay on this layer

39. Layers- New raster layer

40. Selections-Custom selection with these settings

41.Prepare a Linear Gradient as configured

42. Flood Fill Tool: Fill the selections with the gradient

43. Selections - Deselect all

44. Effects - Reflection effects- Feedback

45. Layer-Palette:Blend Mode "Lighten"

46. Effects - Distortion effects - Wave

47. Layers- Merge -Merge Visible

48. Activate tube ''krys.pspimage'' activate raster 3 of the tube /Image Resize 55%

Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer and place

49. Layers- New raster layer

50. Material Properties: FG-Color to color White

51. Flood Fill Tool: Match mode none - lower the opacity to 60% /Flood Fill the layer with the FG-Color

52. Activate Mask ''renee_coeur_ouvert.jpg''

Layers- New Mask layer from image and choose mask:

Layers- Merge-Merge Group

Put your work aside

-We will work on image Trizia

54. Material Properties: Foreground color to color :#ab0b0b Background color to color :#110000

55. Activate tube ''Trizia Tubed-Eva_Serrate''/ activate layer 3 of the tube /Edit/copy-Edit paste as a new image !!! (close the original tube)

56. Image -Resize to 486 pixels Height (Using another tube, keep the right size:317 x 486 pixels )

57. Layers- New raster layer

58. Prepare a Rectangular Gradient as configured/Opacity to 100%

59. Flood Fill Tool: Fill the layer with the gradient

60. Effects- Textureffects  -Mosaic Glass

61. Effects -Edge Effects - Enhance

62. Layers- New raster layer /Flood Fill Tooll: Fill the layer with your FG-Color

63. Layers-Load/Save Mask-Load Mask From Disk and choose Mask: ''adita-mask-les-Aiko-01''

64. Layers- Merge-Merge Group

65. Effects-Plugins Unlimited -Tramage -Wood grain

66. Effects - Distortion effects -Twirl 160

67. Layer-Palette: Blend Mode "Hard Light"

This is the result


68. Activate ''Groupe-raster3''/Edit/copy !!

69. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric : 1 pixels color 3

70. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric : 3 pixels color 2

71. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric : 15 pixels color 3

72. Image - Add Borders - Symmetric : 1 pixels color 2

73. With your magic wand- mode Add-shift /RGB /select the border of 15 pixels

74. Edit-paste into selection/ Image memory

75. Effects -Plugins Unlimited -Tramage -  Wee Scratches to 255

76. Selections-Invert- Selections-  Modify- Contract of 20 pixels

77. Effects- Plugins AAA Frame -Foto Frame

78. Selections - Deselect all

79. Edit/copy!!- Activate your minimized image/Edit paste as a new layer and move to the left

80. Activate tube ''coeur_ouvert_attaches '' /Image Resize to 85%/

Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new layer and place

81. Layers- Merge- Merge Down

82. Activate tube ''098_silvina_vanesa_orsi_enero_17_2009.pspimage''/Image Resize 2x to 85%

Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new Layer and and move to the right

83. Effects - Plugins -EyeCandy5 -Nature - Drip and choose my preset ''coeur_ouvert_drip''

84. Effects -Plugins -Nick Color Effex Pro3/Bi-color User defined /Lower Color is your FG-Color

85. Layer-Palette: Lower the opacity to 69%

86. Layers-Merge-Merge Visible

87.Activate Toolbar Script, choose my file in the list ''coeur_ouvert'' click the little blue arrow /ok

Or manually

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric :1 pixels color 2

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric :2 pixels color 1

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric :2pixels color 2

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric :30 pixels color 3

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric :1 pixels color 2

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric :1 pixel color 1

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric :1 pixel color 2

88. Activate tube " text" Edit/copy -Edit/paste as a new layer and place. Or write your own text

89. Layers-Merge-All ( Flatten)



I hope you enjoyed this lesson


This lesson was written by Renée the 03/04/2014

Created the 0 /  04/2014


Any resemblance with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence


Don't forget to thank the people who work for us and with us. I named the tubeurs - Testers and the translators.

Thanks Renée



I am part of Tutorial Writers Inc.

My tutorials are regularly recorded



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