New Translation


In [English translated ] by Marion


In [English translated ] by Marion


In [Italien translated ] by Graziella


In [German translated ] by Marion



Translations here


We create the way Photoshop does

These Plugins are used for this Tutorial


Eyecandy 5 extrude

Flaming Pear

You can find my filters here



Tubes are of




If it is your intention to share these tubes or these lessons in a group, please ask permission to the owner .

The tube may not be send without the lesson .

Please do not make changes to the tube, because this tube was made for this lesson only. It is forbidden to share this tutorial without a link to the original lesson.

Thank you very much Renée *

* These tubes were received from tubeurs sharing groups. Or found by me searsching on the net.

I Am grateful to have been given permission these beautiful tubes so please use any copyright information as needed.

If one of these tubes is yours? Contact me. so I can make a link to your site or remove it.

Thanks Renée




* Before you start *

Open PSP . Open your material .

Open / tubes duplicate and close originals

Open then Minimize the mask in PSP

Put filters in their proper folders

Brushes and other tools in their respective folders .


* To import presets Eye candy 5 /Double-click the file it will automatically install




* For older versions of PSP may be that you are having trouble opening the tubes

Just click OK and the tube can be used.


Thanks Renée



Let's start the lesson.


  1. First we give special effects to the letters

Place each letter on a different layer/you may write them yourself but do not take more then 4 letters for this job

- Open the tube with the letters

- Select them one by one and paste them on a new layer

- -Your layer palette looks like this >rename the layers as I did

2. We will give each letter a special effect

-Open texture wood (bois) in your PSP program

-Configure Pattern (Motif) like this

 - With the magic wand tool >> select the inside of each letter - we start with the letter = P

-Activate your Flood Fill Tool- Fill with the pattern ''texture wood (bois)'' /   Selections-Deselect All

- Do this for each letter    >>    Y – P - E

3.Ready for the next effect

- Apply following plugin on each letter

- Effects-Plugins -Eye Candy /extrude ''tab-settings-User/settings and select - preset ' @_renee-type_3''sur chaque lettre

- Resize letter Y to 125% all layers unchecked

- This is your result

- - For the letters Y -P - E with the magic wand tic in the center and tic delete to obtain my result

- Place the cursor on any letter on the T for example = T

-Activate the Magic Wand-Select the part colored in green (see image below)

- Layers - New raster layer

- Open the tube ''tronc arbre cottage 'Edit/copy -Edit -paste in selection/Selections-Deselect All / Layers - Merge Down - This is the result

- Do this for all letters >>> Select the green part from letter Y

- add a new layer

- Activate the tube ''tronc arbre cottage '' 'Edit/copy -Edit -paste into selection /Selections-Deselect All

- - Layers - Merge Down and proceed the same way to finish the other letters ok


3 . We work on the Background (fond) now

- Layer palette - highlight the background layer (called FOND in French)

- Selections -Select All /Open the tube ''renee-type-3d,jpg'' Edit/copy-Edit paste into selection /Selections- Deselect All

**choose a background matching the theme you chose for this work**

-Place the letters as you like best

4 ..We will know create the blocks to dress the Y or another letter of your choice - resize at 125%

- Layers - New raster layer

-Layers - New raster layer ''renee-type-3d''

- Open the tube ''renee-type-3d-tranche de bois '' Edit/copy-Edit-paste into selection .Selections-Deselect All

- Effects-Plugins -Eye Candy /extrude ''tab-settings-User/settings and select - preset @ _renee_type_3d_tronc''

- Edit - Copy/ Edit - paste as a new layer (you can keep it as a tube)

- To make placing easier I changed the Blend Mode to Luminance

- You can duplicate/resize to your choice to put the pieces of wood on their place on letter Y

and add more tubes ''renee-type-3d-tranche de bois'' to create a natural effect

- When all is arranged to your choice/Merge all block layers to one single layer

- Effects-Plugins -Eye Candy /perpective /drop shadow blury

 -Change Blend Mode to Normal - your layer palette looks like this now

- We continue to dress up our letters with leaves and organic ornaments to make our work look great

**I add a map with elements to dress up your letters, you can also use different tools (Eraser - clone tool)votre goût**

Dress up your work, but remember too much can be too much

To see better you can close the eye from the bottom layer
-When all is good (watch the colors and the opacity as well and re-open the closed layers) you can merge the letter layers and return to the background layer


5. Now we will dress up the background layer to make our work to a piece of art

- Background is important, but so is the foreground. So compare those two and ask yourself

is adding stuff in empty spaces is an amelioration or not

**Brightness and contrast, hue and saturation can help you to obtain harmony in your creation


--So we continue

- Open the tube ''renee-type-3d-herbes'- Edit/copy -Edit paste as a new layer on your working area / I have duplicate and used Blend Mode to Hard Light- Set the layer opacity of this layer to 36 %

- Open the ''graminée'' Edit/ Copy-Edit - Paste as new layer on your working area and move- Layers Duplicate and move

- Open the tube ''15_09_2006_landscape_01_git '' Edit - Paste as new layer on your working area and place on the top left- Set the layer opacity of this layer to 46%

-Open the tube ''sentier '' Edit - Paste as new layer on your working area and place see print screen

- Make a selection like this

- And with color # bababa / and brush with this configuration

-Layers-New raster layer

- and correct the gray zones to give depth by using the brush like this

-Adjust - Blur -Gaussian Blur Radius: 52 /Selections-Deselect All

- Open the tube ''8f80f803.png '' Edit-copy– Edit - Paste as new layer on your working area-watch the horizontal line from the other tube and make sure they match

- Double click on this layer and set the Blendmode to Luminance Legacy-Set the layer opacity to 24

- Effects-Plugins -Flaming Pear /flood with these settings as below

- Open the tube ''nuage-ciel '' -Edit/copy-Edit paste as a new layer and move on the top and at the right - Double click on this layer and set the Blendmode to Hard Light -Set the layer opacity to 83%

- Open the tube « « a777f651,png'' /Image Resize a 50% -Edit/ copy-Edit - Paste as new layer on your working area and move

- Open the tube ''elan'' -Edit/ copy-Edit - Paste as new layer on your working area and move/Image Mirror

- Open the tube ''loup blanc'' /Image Resize a 35% - Edit/ copy-Edit - Paste as new layer on your working area and move

-Opent the tube ''cas_tubes12_12dieren17182011 » »Image Resize a 50% and 70% Edit/ copy-Edit - Paste as new layer on your working area and move -Erase Tool-erase the bottom

- Open the tube ''renee-type-3d-escargot '' -Edit/ copy-Edit - Paste as new layer on your working area -Move Tool-place on the edge of the letter >> P

- Image - Add borders-Symmetric checked: 5 pixels black.

Save as JPG



I hope you enjoyed this tutorial .


edited and update


on 2008


Any resemblance with an existing lesson is merely a coincidence *


* Don't forget to thank the people who work for us and with us. I named the tubeurs - Testers and the translators.


Thanks Renée.


I am part of Tutorial Writers Inc.


My tutorials are regularly recordedt



ReneeGraphisme_All rights reserved





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